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Church of Festivus

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Brother Tim is available for a limited number of weddings this summer (2016). As usual he will be traveling to exotic and festive places.

Remember too that Brother Tim is a prolific author! His 16th book Sportsmanship: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2016) was recently released and his co-authored Lessons Learned From Popular Culture will be available later this year. Very festive achievements!

A festive welcome to all the newest members of The Church of Festivus! There are now over 444 members!


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What Is the Church of Festivus

Are you getting married? Do you need someone to serve as an officiate? Do you need your sins absolved? Tim Delaney, brought you Seinology: The Sociology of Seinfield, he is now an ordained minister. Brother Tim founded the Church of Festivus in 2011!

Q. What is the Church of Festivus?

A. The Church of Festivus promotes the secular notions of “Festivus,” a holiday to be celebrated by all people, regardless of their religious affiliation, or lack of an affiliation. The Church of Festivus also promotes ”freedom of religion” and doing “that which is right.”

Q. Who is the Officiate of the Church of Festivus?

A. Brother Tim

Q. Who is Brother Tim?

A. Brother Tim is a fully credentialed minister ordained by the Universal Life Church Monastery.

Q. What can Brother Tim do for me?

A. Brother Tim is entitled to the rights of an ordained minister. He has the legal authority to Perform marriages

  • Perform baptisms
  • Perform Funerals
  • Bless animals
  • Absolve sin
  • Perform all other ceremonies of the church.

Q. Why would a secular person need sins absolved?

A. The Church of Festivus acknowledges that non-religious persons abide by the moral and ethical codes of society and humankind. From time to time, people violate the rules of society and need to unburden themselves. Sometimes people unburden their transgressions with friends and family members. On other occasions, people feel more comfortable acknowledging their sins to someone who can absolve their transgressions.

Q. Why would I want my marriage performed by Brother Tim?

A. Many people prefer secular weddings (e.g., at a local City Hall, Las Vegas chapels, a ship’s captain, etc.) to religious-based weddings.

Q. How do I get a hold of Brother Tim for more information?

A. You can contact Brother Tim via email at:

 Festivus Blessings & Other Ceremonies

Sociology Through Seinfield
Sociology Through Seinfield

Besides performing weddings and blessing such objects as motorcycles, boats and cars, Brother Tim blessed “The Humanist” statue.

 Humanist Statue Blessing

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Blessing of a Motorcycle and Pet




Brother Tim blessed a Motorcycle and a Loving Pet.